In NA, I don't see any logical reason to buy this thing.
In NA, I don't see any logical reason to buy this thing.
Very informative article. I plan on using those two words extensively in the future.
Am I high? What did I just watch?
@deanbmmv: But I don't want to see his chocolate helicopter. . .
A lot of things NCSoft seems to do with their MMOs seems slow. The relay between NA and Korea is probably to blame, but in this, at least, they've done pretty damn well with Aion. Each patch, there's a whole bunch of changes going in to work against the bots. (And even after this mass banning, they are of course…
@Moonshadow101: Candy mountain?
@RexMaximus: Very true, but Animal House was the first thing that came to mind.
@DoktorSleepless: Since John Belushi and a bottle of whiskey.
@FeatherNET - Live in Canada: Take my word for it, you should be much more terrified than curious.
Much better than the last bit of infected art I saw.
Too bad he can't get Jack Thompson as his lawyer. It would be the best duo since Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey.
That spitter is the stuff of nightmares. #left4dead2
Dat thing ain't goan be caressing mickey gently.
Needs more zombie goombas.
@MrBionic: Day one after each time you you have to replace your rrod 360?
@spannu: I'd still like to hold one of those ugly bastards and see how it feels. I could deal with a really fugly controller if it was really comfortable and handled well.
Compromise. Release it on the PSN.
@Telecinision: Excellent trailer, except for one huge, glaring flaw.