
anyone know if stuff like this exists for droid?

no. it's a piece of shit.

i sorta disagree on anything that there's +1000 makes of. it just immediately cuts the rarity way down. Alfa 8C though, that's a possibility, moreso leaning on the spyder

well it's not like they'd use milk that had gone to waste and turned sour, the production would involve purchasing milk and souring it...

my dad also had one.. as i mentioned in a previous comment... he's a very nice man... not an asshat. and my brother and i also chose the color for him and we were 9/12, even so though i'd still take that color...

my dad had a laguna seca blue M3.... in all fairness though he got it when me and my brother were like 9 and 12 and he let us choose the color...

you forgot to add the Rebecca Black part in "no like"

personally i just think drifting is kinda boring

sorry but does this mean that they're killing of directions giving you a proper ETA in correlation with the traffic, or they're killing off the Green,Yellow, and Red traffic lines on the road.. because those seemed to work for me

this is absolutely gorgeous. why don't they make rollercoasters like this in the US.

even that is dying though, however not nearly as dead as the rest of myspace.

.....mrpunk97 ....

same for me in NY. movies actually are somewhat cheaper out there in the yonder-land, though, so who knows


god i've never seen such a gorgeous selection of cars.


don't they declare war on lots of people.. and then.. not do anything?

personally i think they're pretty ugly in general so the turquoise doesn't really hurt it

yeah i'd guess it's those darned qataris