this is if by anonymous it's the people who just lurk on computers and have no knowledge of hacking but like to act like they do so they say they're part of the fictional "group" that is Anonymous. since it isn't really a group.
sony just had the worst attack happen... what's anonymous gonna do... order pizza's to their front door? seriously, this'll just be like a fly buzzing around their ears, not doing anything it, possibly slightly irritating if anything at all
if you wish to make a toaster from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
when it comes to subaru, i don't really care about the looks, i just want it to drive well, which i can usually count on it doing
and like all bang and olufsen products, it costs 4x more than the leading competitors price, and only works specifically with other B&O products.
i'll bet it's a marketting ploy by apple
yeah sorry i know these things happen a lot, i just don't understand the concept of video taping yourself drive is really what i'm getting at. like really, why do you do it.
i've never seen anybody who video tapes themselves driving, why do these things happen to the very few people who do that, or am i just dumb in not realizing that all of this is fake, including the wood through a window one
waiting upwards 10 minutes for AOL to connect with my mom so i could go onto the K'nex website and play games, which then took upwards 10 minutes to load as well
and thirdly, i'd like to hear what any of the workers there are paid. if anything.
oh and the soundtrack is ass
this is the fucking reason we have a paper shortage. this is ridiculous. fuck them.
oh my god. i don't care how it looks... that sound.
we all know higher fps will make film clearer, and I'm all for supporting it in situations of CGI filled action and thrillers, but I'd never want to abandon 24 fps. despite the fear of being labeled as a hipster, i just really like the way 24 fps looks on screen, it just feels right. it's definitly a more noticeable…
why do i find this so much more attractive than the initial enzo p/4?