
I'll have you know you nearly made me spit out my coffee...

The fact that he offends is why I watch. I like that he pokes those sensitive people and gets them irritated.

I wonder what Clarkson's reaction to all of this is .....

Hell, I'd bring the marshmallows.

Thanks for the detailed reply. The ways of germaphobes are a mystery to me. :)

I could only remind myself of this:

Love that shot!

Two I suggest

This guy is looking at the next MFer that he is going to kill with his bare hands. Sherman was a crazy dude and a super hard core soldier, reading his biography I am not surprised he pitched "hard war" in the south.

This is one of the best "I-ain't-got-time-for-this-shit" facial expressions ever.

6.) William Tecumseh Sherman

I would call the top video a Wiper, your video on the other hand goes strait to Unsolved Crime.

So they surrendered to the ecomentalists.

That is a good point to make, and one I would definitely utilize should I find myself discussing the topic with an anti-vaccer.

Not to mention it would accelerate at an honest 1.0g.


Not sure in what world this looked like a fair fight. A Tesla with AWD and almost 700lb-ft of instant torque is not a surprising win.