
All I could think of is Lundvik's grandmother is probably too old for Tumblr. She appeared to be in her 40s, making her born around 2000. So even taking in account a couple teenage pregnancies, her grandmother must been born in the 70s at the latest.

There was a scene at the end of the first X-Men movie where Wolverine does some gymnsastic move off of the Statue of Liberty where the effects were so bad, I think the entire teacher just started chuckling.

I did think it was funny that the thing that showed the doctor that Danny was more than a PE teacher, was that ridiculous flip over the blitzer. If anything, I'd say "see? There's no way a Math teacher could do that!"

How about they do that with the website too? Right now it's basically just just writing peoples quotes into articles, without adding anything, or scrutinizing anything...

"Of course, it's entirely possible that Moffat will revisit the nameless "monster" from this episode later this season, or at some other time — and we'll find out that it was real all along."

Totally agree. When somebody asks me if they should vape, if they don't smoke, I say no. If they think the clouds are cool, still not worth it.

Well, there was an election. And hypnotic beat would have in theory worked regardless who the PM was. If you want to blame the doctor, it'd be for helping (albeit accidentally) the Master remember who he was.

The existence of those metals don't mean they exist in such a quantity that they are harmful:

You'd have to vape about three times as much as you smoked to get the same level of nicotine (and that's assuming the nicotine level in the juice is equal to that of a cigarette) since the absorbtion factor is much lower. It is very unlikely you'd take in more nicotine through vaping.

I think "Dalek" was great, I also like "Asylum of the Daleks" as well. I think those were good because it shows how powerful they were. In Dalek, there was just one, in Asylum, many of them were not working properly. That fact that they could do that much damage when outnumbered (in "Dalek") or that formidable even

I think I have yet to understand one word Tennant has spoke in his natural accent.

I think it would be the first time that fans started protesting outside the offices. Not because he was gay, but because tall those Carol/Daryl tumblrs were in vain.

Considering the problem was "a charger containing lithium-ion batteries'" that's the thing that would need to be banned. It has nothing to do with what it was going to be used for charging.

I didn't "want" to quit, I wanted to cut down. Even then, I only wanted to cut down enough to save the $30 I spent on the starter kit (I didn't have high hopes that it would take).

20) White person saves all the natives/aliens.
"I didn't save them(you), they(you) 'saved' me" is probably the defense of the types of movies, but it is equally overused.

I work for an insurance company. My current position doesn't involve actual insurance things, but I have worked as an agent here. One big misconception is how insurance companies make money. If one makes 10 cents on the dollar of premium taken in, that's an amazing year (which doesn't count losses from hurricanes,

"Why did you do that? He was about to give in!"

I just wish somebody at the funding meeting would have said "my daughter isn't made of titanium, and if she revolted, she wouldn't survive a bullet to the head, so no, you 'son' and my daughter are not the the same, you idiot."

It doesn't matter that he's 65. He could be 25. The rate at which the books have been published has slowed down, and the number of books in the series has gone up, and I don't think it would surprise anybody it he says one day "I think it's going to take 10 books".