
I don't know, not many of his friends make it to the end of the films.

No, now is not the time. The time was a few years ago (at least).

Not really sure it's fair to include shows that only have a pilot. The Office (US) was pretty close to the UK version in the pilot (which wasn't very good), then shot off and became a good show (then a bad show, then a "it's still on?" show).

To me, the biggest thing was that Tyrion's part seemed rushed, that was the biggest "disappointment" to me. There were basically three things deleted from this, that may or may not be super important.

I think Nintendo has to prove that the Wii wasn't a fluke. It sold a lot, but beside a few first party games, how many titles sold well? How many Wii owners only owned Wii Sports? I imagine very few of those customers would upgrade to a Wii U (or buy any other console). They "won" the last generation because they

I think I can only turn off a movie if I have to head out or was just killing time until something else came up.

To me, the problem with Venom was mostly this:

I may be showing my age here (or making those older than me roll their eyes), but "The Rocketeer". It's not even that I liked the movie that much. My grandparents took my brother and I, neither of us had any desire to see it, but it was "enjoyable."

When the aliens came, nobody panicked.

I'll be honest, up until shortly after the winter hiatus, I was watching this show out of "duty." Basically, I started the season, so I'll give them at least one whole season. Now, its one of the few shows I'll watch the day it airs (my schedule as a lot to do with that to be fair).

I think "pay by the size" isn't going to happen as much as just having more options. I can see different prices for theaters, home TVs, and mobile devices, but "paying for the size" sounds like a 75" TV will have a higher cost than a 40" TV

I'd be really disappointed if Ward turned out to be a "double-double" agent or something like that, in the last three episodes, he has killed a good number of Shield Agents. Besides the fact that his best character moments are when he's Hydra, I don't think it could make narrative sense. Unless he was brainwashed or

"A story about a social outcast who is shunned for the way they were born is a story that any number of minorities can identify with."

Regarding Game of Thrones, reason #3 is definitely the reason for me.

Don't know if this counts, since I never connected, but I won a 14.4 modem on an FBLA trip in high school. The kid running for president of NJ FBLA gave it as part of his campaign.

Bats (and men) have nipples, doesn't make it a good costuming choice...

Good point, though I can't say I trust that is done in 7,wasn't it three, then five?

It's not that he's too old, or out of shape or anything, its just that it's unrealistic to expect him to live to be 136