
Were the people judged with clothing on? Because, somebody who is 175lbs, but was 275 at one point, won't look the same as somebody who's always been at a healthy weight, your skin doesn't catch up that quickly.

My father didn't care for this episode, but I thought it was one of the best of the season. I've been wondering how they were going to do this as in the book its such a big deal (I think three chapters/viewpoints are used). I think ignoring all other storylines for one episode was the right way to go.

They help those who have read the books too. So far, I'd say the show has been faithful to the books (the changes have been more cosmetic than plot-wise IMO), but when you "kind of know what's going to happen" it can get easy to lose focus while watching the episode, and the recaps help (me, at least) separate what

Did the study say that we wanted to exploit them, or just "exploitable wome?"

Actually, I would be interested in what a Lifehacker/tabloid blog would be like

So nature is a 14 year old boy with a magic marker, and Turkey is the first kid to fall asleep on the campout?

Where's the study about people being asked if they like somebody else making that decision for them?

Right, I was just kidding, no good deed goes unpunished and all...

There's something about being able to see through the ketchup bottle that is just disturbing. Maybe its because it doesn't happen too much (with Ketchup sticking to the bottle and all) or because it reminds me of when I was a waiter and had to marry the half empty bottles, but I don't like seeing it.

Maybe I read Consumerist too much, but I half expected Gawker to fire him, isn't that what every company does when somebody breaks up a crime?

My younger sister would watch this show when she was a kid, there was a Care Bear movie where the Care Bears weren't enough, and one turns to the screen telling the kids at home that they need their help. They ask the kids to say "We Care" along with them.

My i-products don't seem to charge faster, and the battery degrades as fast as any other (and of course is non-replaceable), which are the two things I care about. I've had a couple micro-usb dongles break on me, but not so many that I think it was a problem with the design.

"I knew we forgot something! Quick, to the converter!" - some studio exec that is for some reason going through Gizmodo comments. Look what you've done.

He makes a guy drink motor oil, or makes him walk in the desert with nothing to drink but motor oil, somthing about the bad guy dying from drinking motor oil, that's all I remember.

I've mostly stopped reading comics years ago, but I have randomly gone back and picked up some books here and there since then.

Why pretend? I've already done some things from video games in real life.

The part that hit close to home was when Jeff said even though they're at the beginning of the game again, they've been through it a few times and by now they can kick ass at it.

All my years waiting tables, never had an issue with Jewish tippers, hell, if anything, the "good at math" stereotype was more likely and the tip would be 15% to the penny. If anything, the people we feared most were church groups. I can't tell you how many times I've been told "God only asks for 10%".

I would understand that, but considering the marketing budget this movie must have, would that have been necessary?

How much did it cost to buy the rights to "Battleship?" I imagine "big summer movie with aliens and explosiions and millions of dollars in marketing" would have sufficed, I can't imagine anybody saying, "oh that was my favorite boardgame growing up, I need to see that!"