
Not sure if that is pro-Apple or Samsung. With the exception of the first part of that photo where Samsung used Apple icons, all the "evidence" is basically "blarglagh, they both have plugs, copycats!!!!"

#1, When I use it: at least once a day, every day, for the last 25 years, whether or not it fit into the context of the conversation or not.

If HTC, or other manufacturers, just copy and paste the code Apple uses to recognize email addresses or phone numbers, then that is a problem. If the act of recognizing those things is the issue, it is ridiculous.

What I find funny is that people got more upset at the article saying Lady Gaga sucks (she does, but that's an opinion, which shouldn't need to be said when anybody talks about any music because its ALWAYS subjective) than when the site tries to pass off actual trolling as an article.

Well, if by "deal with it" you mean, "sue Facebook", you might be onto something there.

I think the line of questioning may have went beyond what Mira is really allowed to go into.

Carrier IQ has a contract with the carriers, the carrier is not a third party because they are a primary part in the contract. Mira wasn't dodging your question, the real answer is "they're not a third party because of what third parties are."

I'm sorry, I mean that actually looking through the Timelines felt stalkerish, not the Timeline itself. I don't think the intention was to make it easier to stalk, just that the few times I looked at it for other people, that's the feeling I got. Not blaming Facebook for that. The thing is, I don't any other big

Well, for me personally, the point of the Timeline is to be able to see the entire facebook history of somebody. I guess there are other reasons to look at somebody's Timeline, but I don't know them.

Still not sold on the Timeline being a big deal (though being a major redesign that doesn't suck is a step up), but on mobile it isn't that great. I rarely look at a Timeline on the computer, on a phone the layout really isn't anything special, and seems even more stalkery.

Right, but if the Wii wasn't successful, it may have been the end of non-handheld Nintendo consoles. They don't take a loss on each unit, but the Gamecube didn't help Nintendo. And if the Wii was "Gamecube part 2" they might have been the next Sega.

Right, I was giving them a bit of slack on that, but there really wasn't anybody saying the Wii was dead for that.

Its neat, but is there any reason to go back to it after you looked over the Timeline? It was cool the first time (a couple months ago with the dev workaround), but I've never felt compelled to look again, and frankly it seems a bit self-absorbed to want to.

Okay, so I'm not the only one who thinks all the talk of Timelines as a "game changer" is a bit hyperbolic?

Nintendo only "died" with the N64/Gamecube failures (and failure, I mean losing the stranglehold they had on the industry). And it was ten years between the N64 and the Wii, so people pronouncing Nintendo dead weren't really far off.

I did that developer workaround awhile back, so I had it. I thought it was pretty neat, but only looked at my own Timeline maybe once since the first day. I don't consider myself extremely modest, but am I the only one who doesn't look at my own posting over the years every day?

No, not really, just giving a hard time. But, in my opinion at least, Gizmodo seems to have more of a "this is Gizmodo's opinion" vibe to me than the individual writer's. I think when a site gives reviews to anything, that sort of thing happens.

Eh, a knockoff of an ugly, overpriced watch is still an ugly watch.

After liking Cars 2, I'm surprised Ebert is in the top ten.

I'd like that promise to get 4.0 in writing, but otherwise, for a "designer" phone, this one seems to be pretty good.