
Count me out, I'm still mad at what I think may be the whole world for saying how great the first was, and tricking me into seeing it.

Well, I'd turn against my creation as well if I knew it would turn into Chevy Chase in the 90s.

So anytime this girl has a "gut feeling" about something, it is actually a well thought out opinion?

@ObiHaiv: Actually came here to say that it makes sense for Rowling to do to Potter what Lucas did to Star Wars, but it wouldn't have been nearly as clever.

I would agree with the thought that it becomes an extension of your identity. I think a common description of a fanboy is that they cannot admit when "their product" does something bad, much like we rationalize our own misdeeds, because we cannot believe we may in fact, be assholes.

@Mister_Roboto: Yeah, I saw that, and thought, "Wow, Bill Pullman's back, oh, wait, no he's not."

The scene was funny, granted, but I'm not sure I'd qualify that as "acting" from Woz, definitely not his calling.

Well, if Bill Pullman isn't too sure ID2 will get made, I doubt it's happening. I mean, I would think Pullman would be telling people about a possible sequel just to get into hollywood parties again if there was even a glimmer of hope.

I thought horror movies moved on from "scary little kids", to "scary little midget hookers who pretend to be kids to get adopted and cause havic"

This really isn't any different than when a new game comes out at $60, then months later, or a year later, its a Greatest Hits game for $30.

@Channan: Actually came to say that the Evo shows 2.1 as well, which updated long before the Incredible, which shows 2.2.

I did love the ending, I think the timing of the credits just as the top started to wobble (and the sound of the wobbling being just slight enough you make you doubt if you heard it or not) was genius.

That sounds like the most adorable/nightmare inducing thing ever.

Homes like this make the whole bed/bath thing useless. 4 bedrooms isn't a whole lot, I grew up in a 4 bedroom house, about 2000 sq feet. It should say 4 bedroom/4bath, 12 other random rooms.

You don't get slides in the first generation, you need to leave something out to justify an upgrade a year later.

@driggity: I believe you can still buy it at places, but not through Verizon. Same with the N1, there are still places to get it.

Pretty funny, but c'mon, Sega doesn't get the girl.

Just kind of seems like the last Android phone for each carrier. Then again, I guess you can't really put so many options in a chart.

@n3onkn1ght: True, but for me, the assault on the Death Star was always on the list of "what would be cool in 3D?"

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I recognize the main Secret Service guy (with the shaved head) as an actor from about 1,000 different late night Cinemax movies.