
HEY! That's insensitive!

0-62 is 7.7sec, top speed is 146

I like that paint. Mainly because it knocks the price of the NSX down, yet is easily reversed!

As an electrical engineer let me just say, save yourself what little effort this would take. The story is total bull.

Thanks for speaking my mind.

I was just in Beijing in April. Unbelievable traffic vs. pedestrian thing they have there. Yet even with all the asshatery, nobody gets mad. ever.

Ha! Nazis. That's it, you just cut the legs off your own argument. Everything was going great until you said Nazis. Now your argument's brown bread

I never understand why people go straight to the highway MPG numbers when talking about an iQ, Mazda2 or even Fiesta. Below a certain size, small cars can't close their own air wake. Therefore, their highway MPG will suffer. Engineers know this. People shopping for an iQ aren't taking any cross country trips,

You had me until 'Grand Marquis'. Anybody shopping for an iQ wouldn't look at a Marquis as a viable option. An iQ shopper is going to be looking to fit in tight spots, get good city mileage, and meet a certain 'look'.

The Edison quote combined with the job description of "fucking shit up" makes me think otherwise.

It's nice that he quotes Edison, except Edison was an inventor. They're supposed to get it wrong 999/1000 times. Installers are supposed to get it right 999/1000 times. If that's his credo, he's in the wrong line of work.

Agreed. Ferrari despises brand dilution



....that's his daughter. So it's either not disgusting, or really disgusting

I wonder if I can talk him down to $200 over invoice

Auto Show only car. None of these numbers would be achieved in production


No, it's weirder than that. You can't see your photo, but everyone else can.

@GV_Goat: I would hope the plan was not to be that cut and dry. Maybe 24 combined is a D- in a 3 door compact, but A+ in a full size pickup