
The strategy is to put content creators life in risk every few weeks by rules changed at random, absurd and unfair, that create a platform where is a risk to create content for.   Maybe youtube only want cats videos made by cats by accidentally pressing the “record” button, I don’t know.  They are killing their own

Concentration of companies hurt competition. Since companies don’t have to compete with other companies (that don’t exist anymore) can do all sort of uncompetitive activities, control prices, schedules, how services are done. And worse things.

I don’t mind parts of a anime made in CGI, like in chainsaw man, where they are almost invisible.  But when the whole thing is CGI it feels cheap and artificial to my eyes. This one included, despite being this good to the N^M^T level.

I hope the genre continue evolving. Has some things I like, but on overall is not a genre I enjoy. Maybe trough evolution gets to some place creating multiple super cool games. 

I think the game will be increible, but I have my converns because Just Cause was a bad game with a great engine and Howards Legacy can be... a bad game with a good engine. We can’t judge on looks alone, we have to wait until somebody have a hand off.

The useful conclusion here is that a hacker is not like a developer but better. A hacker can be a very different type of animal. I don’t even think George have build something interesting or useful in his entire life.

So you can have intimacy with a person that only exist in your dreams?, you could describe this person to algorithm that would made it real, ...or at least real enough to show in a screen.

Epic Man Who Lost Everything In Crypto Just Wishes Several Thousand More People Had Warned Him

Yea, my trough was that these where made with AI, too.

Nah. No really.


I know the solution to this.

They will continue trying, that for sure. But for each new con’s they start. There will be another news article about people losing their money.

The metaverse will always looks worse than videogame graphics, and theres a reason for that. Videogames cheat / create a illusion.