
Somehow though, leveling isn’t the tedious part in FF14. For me this would be paying to skip the annoying un-skippable story quests to unlock content. In FF14, there are so many quests that only involve going to different towns and talking to people that you can easily go an hour without actually involving gameplay.

I think Leia’s lie makes as much sense before as after. With Episode IV alone, she’s saying this in response to a military takeover of her ship. Appealing to diplomatic courtesy and a response from the Imperial Senate is about the only recourse she has left, and Darth Vader waves it away with a single line.

These were the only moments of the film I didn’t really like that much, because they took me out of the dialogue completely.

Robosexuality is an abomination!

Send in the seals!

Are we sure the robo-sub wasn’t defecting? Was it was concerned about the future of robosexual rights under the next president?

The Chinese must have forgotten that Thursday is Italian BMT day, not American ROV day.

“Something doesn’t add up”
Yeah, the subscriber numbers.

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

Actually it isn’t what the majority of Americans want. But, since we have a completely ass backwards system of electing a President that makes some votes worth more than others........well here were are.

Personally, I take this sort of thing as a clear signpost that “this is not for you” so I take this is as indication that I should be watching something else where I’m not being actively disinvited. I basically stopped watching anime about 8 or 9 years ago for this reason.

I look forward to the civil discussions that are going to take place in this comment section.

It saddens me that this is an accurate comparison.

“Are you now or have you ever been a believer that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for rapid global warming? Answer the question!”


<THREAD> If the way some people tweet causes you this much discomfort I’d love to see you when real trouble presents itself in your life.

<THREAD> Grow the fuck up Alana and get over yourself.

<THREAD> Holy fucking first world problems!

Yeah, check out this manthread someone just posted: