this is the quality of content that spanfeller’s g/o deserves.
this is the quality of content that spanfeller’s g/o deserves.
Tony Hawk lives in my north-of-San-Diego neighborhood, and I’m just going to say that he’s not the only old guy around here who still skates. This is probably an opinion you’re going to want to keep to yourself if you happen to visit.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up being Lorde 2.0. A successful and famous singer, but one who never reaches that early high again in terms of pop star fame and song replay.
Damn. I just copped a sweet BMX bike too.
Do what you enjoy. I still rollerblade religiously. I’m too old to give a fuck what you think about the things that make my life slightly less miserable.
eh, she will have disappeared in 2-4 years and we’ll forget she ever existed. there’ll be a Pajibuzzfeed article in 2040 titled “WHEN WE FALL OFF THE CHARTS, WHERE DO WE GO?” and we’ll hear all about how her pivot to being a lifestyle brand influencer for dogs or whatever has saved her life, for real, then
I think for some of us jaded old folk, she sort of comes across as if she thinks she’s the first person to have this experience, while we know it is a tale as old as time.
So... green hair dye, auto-tune, and hot topic fashions are exclusively “hers”?
Hot take: Billie Eillish’s “look” is trash and so is her music.
The original, especially in the Midgar section, was almost completely linear, so be careful with your expectations. Even later, once the game opened up, it took a while for it to REALLY open up and even then the story was mostly linear--you could just go fart around racing chocobos if you wanted.
maybe he got the crap dress and wig?
I said “may-ko” growing up, but yes it’s been “mah-ko” in all the additional materials over the years since.
That doesn’t look soft and shimmery.
Hot take. Linearity isn’t inherently a bad thing.
These people are supposed to be the scumbag dirt of the slums. If the scumbags don’t act like scumbags doesn’t that kind of ruin the feel of a dangerous slums?
The very creepy, very rapey thing? The thing they were exactly trying to show, because the crimeboss doing the creepy thing was clearly accused of only wanting the prettiest girls for his own pleasure? How would you suggest they show it? Have the disgusting man be very courteous and gentleman-like?
I feel like they're putting in the known story beats in to hype up people who already played the game, while sprinkling in a couple unfamiliar things to reinforce the promise that they're expanding the Midgar part of the story.
Its not as creepy as you think, and also just as creepy as you think in some cases.
Also “Watching this person who doesn’t know or care about me and is mostly only affable so I’ll give them money feels like hanging out with a friend” is creepy as fuck.