
To turn this into a splinter article. This is another reason why America needs Single Payer Health Care.

I’m honest of two minds on this one. First, harassment of all types and behavior that is unproductive and designed to inflame individual and make them mad is not something any dev team or anyone should have to deal with. Also, blowing things out of proportion or directing personal attacks against individuals us never

I 100% agree, that’s why I say no matter what the percentage is I don’t think it should be allowed. LGS owner or staff or judges should aggressively police these people to keep a welcoming environment.

From my perspective as a patron of an LGS, if I see it I’m going to let out a, “not cool” or a “let them play their

Yea, I was trying to be generous and base it on what I’ve seen but the number could be much high. Frankly, even if it’s 5% or even 1% it shouldn’t be allowed. Toxic people ruin communities. I used to run an anime club and tried to keep a very open door policy, weebs need a place to be weebs. Yet, after a year I gave

Friends don’t let friends play Fallout ‘76. 

The sad part is EDH was never suppose to be competitive then it became popular and it became another place where asshole could crush people.

I wish stores would foster an environment that was more welcoming to casual/new players. I have played at stores where the top 2-4 people every week play what ever the latest and

That’s awesome, I wish more stores were like your place. I would love to play at a place that was more inclusive, instead of the same 20 guys between 18-40 playing the same decks every Friday. 

I wish the store owner were more willing to turn these individuals away when they are being bad for business. For the most part, people who play Magic are well adjusted but there’s this like 10% that just have 0% social skills and are just shitty individuals; they make the tournament setting unfun for anyone who is

Very much this. When I got back into magic a few years ago I played casually with a small group of people and then we decided we wanted to do Friday Night Magic (FNM) at a Local Game Store (LGS). FNM are the lowest level of competitive play, a cross between babies first tournament and your friends chilling and playing

Funny how when you talk about white people here, you only talk about rich white people. My whole life except for a few years ago I didn’t even have a a $1,000 in my bank account. My parent as a high school graduation present gave me a barely working 20 year old truck. So please stop with this “All white people are

Like Fallout ‘76, Anthem will be the gift that keeps giving. Not in you know, good gameplay or engaging story but like ‘76, in just dumpster fire after dumpster fire of negative press.

Thank you for keeping us warm with contempt Anthem. 

You forget about 5-10 years ago we had the MMO bubble where every big publisher was rushing to put out their own MMO. A lot went F2P when they couldn’t support a subscription model, quite a few just plane crashed and burned and only a select few, WoW, FFXIV, managed to keep a subscription model. So a lot more fail

Thought I’d share a story. A coworker who hasn’t played anything but mobile games for about 5ish years finally got a console, specifically so he could play RDR2. He told me how frustrated he was with, all the updates including the system and the game, how he has to be “Always on the internet”, and how grindy

Thetakeout, when informed their headline is wrong,

Hello Fellow American Comrade. I Also Am American Joe. I Believe In Gun and The Trump. Bernie Burns Bad, God and Constitution Good. No Collusion. Trump 2020. 

I honestly don’t know how to respond to your response. If you want to break it down, maybe in a less hostile tone, I can try to response but I’m not sure who I’m suppose to be talking about or defending. 

This, most player will never get a major contract and will sit in the minor league their whole career making in some cases worse then minimal wages. They need to tie that issue to these other issues if they want broader support. It’s hard for people to throw support behind the players when they think it’s “Millionaires

Don’t be, you can’t be so dumb as not to do your homework on this. This guy wanted to do this and then figured he could give some luke warm apology afterwards. The real question is if his bosses knew he was gonna do this. 

Made these realization as I was tying a response.

Counterpoint, 10-15 years ago I could get I 60+ hour of enjoyment out of an Bioware RPG that’s didn’t promise everything would be better 6 month to a year down the line. I could have a more engaging multiplayer experience with the proto looter-shooter Borderlands 2 seven years ago, a game that while it had season