
There’s only one cat in the header. The other is in the front pipe.

This is the fastest way that I know of to get this to you and I hope you read this. Camilo Pardo is the keynote speaker for an event that my company is hosting. Had I known sooner, I would have found a way to get you an invite. Sadly no GT/GT 40s are on site. If you happen to be in the LA area, let me know and I’ll

I didn’t see you at the conference.

That reminds me that I have some $kaybait to post from Cars and Coffee last weekend. 1 GT40 replica, 1 possible authentic GT40, and a GT.

It depends on how much. No matter what amount it is, all of my debts will be paid off first. If it's greater than 100 million, in this order:

The Stig was her father. Emily looks like her mother.

My girlfriend's granddad was a photographer at IMS for many years. I'll have to ask him if he still has any photos the next time I go and visit. I'm sure he has a lot of stories to tell about it.

You just need a megaphone so you can narrate their failure.

I would think it's because of the immune system. Its job is to fight off unknown invaders to the body. Keep it from doing it's job for too long and it's going to search out it's own invaders to destroy instead of the real threats. That's just my theory. What do I know since I'm no doctor or microbiologist?

You didn't know that there was a single apprentice for the whole of the Gawker web ring that uses the summarize feature in Word to create the titles? Lord Denton also created a algorithm for adding question marks to headlines based on the readership's IQ.

The university that I went to named all of their servers after elements. When I had my server on campus, I ended up naming it Lawrencium just to mock them. I do like your reasoning for naming your computers the way you do. I doubt the admins at the university had such a system.

I was thinking it looked more like the love child of a Forester and an Outback.

CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency) standards in the US basically provide no incentive for the manufacturers to build smaller vehicles in the US market as they have to meet much tougher efficiency standards than larger vehicles. Why not just change to match what's in place in Europe? Good question. Doing so would

Look at that overhead view and tell me that couldn't be a mall.

Ferarri already has problems keeping the magic smoke in their cars as it is. How do they expect to be able to keep it bottled up in all of those extra electronics?

Unless there is another Eric Zehnder in the world, I believe I know you. Have I ever supplied you with white trash?

Jason's mom has got it going on.

The same thing happened to me on my motorcycle. I was less than impressed. I haven't trusted the extension pieces since.

I almost lost my Go Pro while I was traveling down the road on my motorcycle. It was mounted to my handlebars and one of the plastic mount pieces broke. Thankfully I was able to grab it before it slid off the tank.

I imagine they'd give more than the tip.