
Matt> Please bump this to to as many people as possible:


Then I (we) thank you.

If you’re sick of seeing these everywhere, get used to it.

Feel free to join the Discord server!

You made an account just to tell people to move on? You need a hobby! We have 1,300 people already. Feel free to NOT join us.

We’re trying to keep the community together.  Not assholes.  Feel free to disregard the message above.

We’re trying to keep the community together.  Not assholes.  Feel free to disregard the message above.

Join the Discord meathead!

1,200 now!

Over 1,100 people now!

Bring jeffvangundy, freeman, armdancer, and e=mchammered with you, eh?!

It is over 1,000 now!

With props to Splinter commenter (insert cgo reply here)

They are censoring myopicprophet so this is his message: