
#GNUdeadspin  #GNUsplinter

Reposting at the top level for visibility:

Godspeed you crazy diamonds. Godspeed.

Fuck that Spanfeller Herb. He took something beautiful and destroyed it. 

Content is too high on this list. 

They broke the front page links to the comment sections.

As of last night (I haven’t checked today) You could still get to some comment sections by going to the author’s feed and clicking from there.

They’re not just vicious and malignant corporate jackoffs, they’re incompetent at technical implementations. 

“any official Kotaku/GMG staff response that we’re going to start seeing posted about Deadspin?”

No. Splinter was murdered and the official word from the Spanfellerites was “YOU DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE SPLINTER’S DEMISE ON PAIN OF DEATH”  

Kotaku is a part of G/O Media.

You’re a part of it here whether you ignore it or not. 

I speedran War and Peace by flipping through the pages as fast as possible and only reading the last paragraph. “

Speedruns of RPGs like this... are kinda missing the point. 

“ “The Democrats want to render a verdict without giving the Administration a chance to mount a defense. That is unfair, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American.””

They really don’t understand anything do they?

The impeachment process is *specifically* constitutional. And the “defense” is in the Senate. The

“stroked out and alert but with limited mobility, speech and motor control.. maybe loss of a few toes and of course ... frustratingly flaccid “

How is that different from how he is now (minus the toes)?  

Yeah, sure kid. She’s alright, but she’s no I... Eye... your sister. Now *that’s* a piece of ass! “

“ he needs to be in Florida for 183 days to prove residency”

He’s spent that much time just on the golf course at MAL this year. Y’know, instead of actually “presidenting” like he said he would.  

I don’t want him dead.

Stroked out and vegetative? Yes please. 

All good yo. I’m in the casino industry.

I don’t know that sombrero hanging would make the top 10 of “weirdest shit I’ve seen” ;)

The drunk guy, wearing a trash bag, sprinting down the street screaming GOOOOO PACKERRRRSSS!!!! (it wasn’t football season) would be tops I think. 

“But why didn’t they just shunt the content here? Or to The Concourse?”

Because they don’t *want* that content.  

“Las Vegas would ban me not only from the casinos but from the city limits for ‘inciting to carouse and self appointing himself the “King of Happy”’.”

Nah, we’re actually pretty OK with that. You do you man. Just don’t count cards or piss in the fountains at the Bellagio.  

Trying so hard to push tears out that she looks like she’s going to shit herself.

And yet.... no tears come.

Hey Donny: Noone will mourn you. You will die sad, alone, and hated by everyone that has met you.

Including your children. 

Wife had a 2007 Element.

Worst car we had ever had. Once the clock hit 90k... nothing but problems. Mostly steering and suspension related. 

This is good Kinja.