
“it was “economic anxiety” ... ...and nothing else.”

No, you’re right. It was also deep seated racism, ignorance, and hatred of the “other”. 

So... why wasn’t this kid arrested for assault? Spitting on another human being is no joke. Also, how the fuck is this not “racially motivated”? 

For the most part, yeah.

Maidment is just as garbage as Spanfeller.

Which is to say: Extra hot, burning garbage. 

Yes. It really costs that much. Especially for color/highlights/lowlights etc.

I spent $500 on my wife’s hair for color correction, lightening, cut, and unicorn fart treatment. (Probably.)

She looks incredible, and it would have been cheaper if we hadn’t been doing box color to get through a few months. 

Done and done. See you on the other side. 

Super bummed about Splinter getting shut down.

I don’t even know what to do with my time now. :( 

BSG 2003 in a nutshell: Things don’t go well, and then... things get worse.

And I was absolutely there for every little bit of it.

Actually... Cancer might have Trump :(

Man, if she had turned around and just said “Can I fucking help you?” right into his stupid face...

That would have been awesome. 

Lemme know what his moneyline is on this ;) 

Love the game, the subreddit though... can get a little... /sigh Yeah.  (Oh god, the nerf to EB is causing a SHITSTORM over there) 

I remember the original thread, I thought VR’s clear was a very cool thing, and the consequent shitting up of the thread was awful. 

“ He’ll shave his head and remember how to talk white and just disappear into obscurity.”

I don’t think he’s that smart. I mean, that’s what he *should* do. But he thinks he’s hard AF. That’s gonna be a steep-ass learning curve in jail.

Especially with the molestation rap he’s got. (Which did *not* hit the Billboard

“Odds are, they are gonna give him 5 years anyway”

What are the odds on him making it past 12 months with as much snitching as he’s been doin? 30-1?  

“He could dye his hair black and hide in plain sight as Lil Wayne’s photo negative?”

Oh. Damn. /golfclap 

“Did you order the investigation into Biden’s son by the Ukraine?”
“I did the job that...”
“Did you order the investigation?!”

I prefer fired out of a cannon.

Into a wall. 

I’m trying to be a better human and *not* make the obvious gallows —> “over the top” —> lynching --> This is America joke.

My heart’s just not in it today. 

And then... he sits. 

“she is a human woman”

Debatable.  She’s dating Miller.