
I still can't get over Dalaran - just at how tranquil, magical and intriguing it is. I love Northrend as a whole. If WoW ever implemented a homesteading system of sorts, i'd choose Northrend without a second thought (Grizzly Hills, baby). As mainly a Blood Elf player, I love Silvermoon too. It's not just beautiful to

As far as I'm concerned there is no other way to dunk.

This is the only way.

I dunk dangerously too!

Same. Some lifehack video about impaling an Oreo vertically through the creme section with a fork and then being able to dip the whole thing into the milk just ruined me and my body a couple months ago.

Awesome idea. Don't think it's really compatible with the way I eat cookies and milk though... I like to dip the cookie until it's soaked up enough milk that it's in danger of falling apart from its own sodden weight. :3

gosebumps... all over my body... and i'm loving it!

No brand allegiance— AMD just had the better bang for the buck when I purchased in my price range 100-150$

"and then we made out."

Hey to all, this would be her Dad (Jeremy Powers). She finally played for the first time yesterday (I only got a picture because I was still just having so much fun lol) but today I made sure I got video (I was filming with my right hand while playing as Luigi with my left on the Pro controller) just so everyone can

There's no such thing as "leagues". There's "what do you bring to the table". Some dudes have abs you could do laundry on. Some dudes are goofy-looking but funny as hell. Some guys just know how to connect with women on a deep emotional level and know how to make them feel amazing.

As many have noted, remember all the cynicism when Heath Ledger was announced as the Joker? Affleck could very well be amazing. This is still hilarious, though.