
Good to know you don’t want to further science because “Orange Man Bad!” 

We got enough pissing and moaning here on Earth.

Thanks for the clickbait.  Thought this was a real story about science, not a political hack piece.


We’ll keep this thread o-pun.

We could stick with puns or go in this direction...

I’m not sure I believe these guys; I’d really have to look at the chordata to see if their theory is legitimate.

That’s it. Anura winner!

Yes, it was easy on the peepers.

Really? I think the study was a tad polemic.

Holy shit what if Alex Jones is right and this fungus is just a government coverup??? They actually turned the frogs gay and now all the frogs are dying!

Something, something, cover up, the democrats turned the frogs gay.

Sounds like a good Black Mirror episode.

I thought statehood had consistently won the vote in internal PR votes/referenda? Perhaps I’m misinformed, off to google.

But are the filled with meat or cheese?

They’re also not swinging a very big bat here given that the island is fucking bankrupt and owes billions to U.S. investment funds.

Nah, britain was almost entirely a naval and commerce empire with almost no standing army. It might have worked better in terms of blockades or attacking a nation that actually needed supplies or easy access to boat travel (i.e. a caribbean nation) but the american colonies were pretty much self-sufficient by the 18th

And it’s transparent, so you get a womb with a view.

I can’t wait for the hot takes to roll into Splinter calling Gov. Rossello an idiot for raising to Donald Trump’s bait, and how terrible of a move he made responding to Trump’s trolling...