
You suck, Novak.  GMG already did this article.


Imagine... READING and learning something. If nothing else, the nonsense this guy might have spouted and why. Imagine LEARNING something about your declared enemy...

How do you know Splinter is dying?

Minor Threat?  Just a band.

So... Investigate again until you get the result you want?

Says something about Islam that gets said about Christianity (right here on Splinter) every day, gets banned from a country.  Makes sense.

Either get degrees that are marketable or DON’T. GO. TO. SCHOOL.

But you do. See how you all treat any commenter here who mentions being a practicing Christian of ANY denomination....  Will you need examples?

The fact that this bothers you and that it somehow deserves note by the author says a lot...

We weren’t competing in a global economy prior to WWII.  There wasn’t a need to BE IN the global economy.

So... I guess you leftists need to arm up?

LOL! Nice.


Well, ackshually, you did “well axu-uh-lee” him...


They’re depressed because they come here and read this garbage. THEN, they expect everyone else to fix their problems with legislation, rather than collectively trying to reduce their own environmental and social impact... IF they’re the majority y’all claim, they’ll get their due in time. They’d rather panic, and

Their family isn’t poor.  They’re just stupid with money.  It’s depressing.

Fraud is a felony!!

No.  The HATE must go on.