
They were just following orders”

...its base, which bears a bronze relief of an angel imploring students to abandon their studies and fight for the South...

Yeah. Fuck the former UNC students who were pressed into duty, against their will, to fight a war they didn’t start.... Fuck people who were pressed into service under threat of execution to fight a losing war as the leadership held out for hope of a better negotiating position.


Nah...  It was in the bellhousing valley.  That’s where all the gunk ends up on BOP engines.

Tell them you know a guy who’s father was ruined when Obama bailed out GM and my father’s retirement fund disappeared with his now worthless GM bonds....

Stop overreacting. It’s a preliminary suspension before he goes to trial where he’ll get a much harsher penalty.

Is it offensive for an Asian person to BE an Asian stereotype?


No, they just move to a country with a more favorable rate...

‘cause not everyone is as WOKE as you.

Yes.  You do a great job helping to conflate the unattractive with evil.  Makes it much easier to hate on ugly people for no reason.

“We agreed! NO LEADERS!!”

Which democratic party are you talking about?  RAISE taxes on the rich?  Nah, they’re not gonna do that, either.

Fuck your infinite scroll.

Fuck your infinite scroll.

Ventiports, actually.

Maybe the problem is that it’s not Nazis any more, but anyone some clown has decided is a Nazi. Which on this particular site ranges from swastika-waving white-supremacist Neo-Nazis all the way to someone who disagrees with whatever some ordained progressive political candidate has said...

Huh. Strange this isn’t an article at Jez...

If you don’t pull it out in the first place, it’s not bare skin!

This reminds me of a funny story that’d get me banned, so... sorry! You don’t get to read it!