Yeah. It gets tiring, doesn’t it. I wish they had a dislike button for articles... No doubt the negative ratings would be an “alt-right conspiracy” or some shit, though, and not a valuable metric, right?
Yeah. It gets tiring, doesn’t it. I wish they had a dislike button for articles... No doubt the negative ratings would be an “alt-right conspiracy” or some shit, though, and not a valuable metric, right?
In the words of Terry Gilliam’s “Supreme Being” from that one movie:
Yeah. I think BWW doesn’t have a very good policy for that... The employees at the local franchise all park right in front. 17 cars when I got there, I thought it’d be packed. NOT. ONE. CUSTOMER.
Or, someone was trying to smuggle coke in an urn along with the ashes.
Civil forfeiture existed under Saint Obama, too.
Dicks are a matter of SEX, not GENDER.
They fuckin.
“...what kind of sadist would want to drive this fucking thing?
LOL! Especially when a couple of paragraphs down you find:
No. There’s ALWAYS more to the story. The Root is absolutely NOT going to follow up to let you know what it is.
What’s your beef with that?
I hate chop lifters...
Yeah, well, part of the problem is we’re now in a global economy. US Isolationism is long gone. Tax the rich at 90%? They’ll move someplace that doesn’t...
To give them a little credit, though, it appears that the preview fight scenes have LESS cuts than the Marvel action scenes...
Goat Simulator doesn’t think so...
I’m certainly not interested in paying a fake college’s debt... Maybe some regulations to prevent these scam artists IN THE FIRST PLACE would have been better.
It’s barely even a concept?
Same in my hood. I’m not happy about it.