
Yeah. Your line of thinking is why cops beat people... They’re getting BAD GUYS. BAD GUYS DESERVE IT.  See how that works?  Once you have that mindset, the justification is easy.

OH, I see. People getting hurt/killed is okay and/or funny if it’s the RIGHT people. Gotcha. Forgot where I was for a second.

Yeah. I love it when people get the SHIT KICKED OUT OF THEM. What FUN!!!

My two pennies.

God forbid that someone who is paid to write about pop culture in media actually bothers to KNOW something about pop culture in media...

*Patiently waits for idiot gaming consumers to realize that escaping real life “because it’s boring” costs more than making real life better...


None.  None more black.

They’re still there...

Actually, if you head over to Jalopnik right now, there’s probably an article entitled “Why do cars only have 4 wheels? FUCKING TRUMP!! TARIFFS!!! ARGLEBARGLE!!!!”



Well, tragically, he (and I) are in the minority, where we are forced to try to use objective fact (IPAs are crap) to overcome the fact that 95% of the “craft” beers in the local grocery coolers are IPAs. The market has become so saturated with this crap that we can go ahead and claim the craft brewing fad to be over.

Nope.  That’s taking it out on the poor.  No used cars = no choice but to buy new cars with 120-month loan terms.

Being fooled by marketing and group think does nothing to make your opinion more objective than his.

No. It’s a fad. Just like 100000000000000 people are convinced that Bud Light is good.  MARKETING and GROUPTHINK.

They actually do all taste the same...

Uh... Have you ever BEEN to Germany? Listen to the way Germans talk about “the Turks” or “the refugees”

Ah.  Thought you might be one of the people upset because you looked her up at work...   ;)
