
move somewhere else.

Everyone else ships by rail...

OOOOO! Put his face back on!

Frankly speakng, I think both “accomplishments” happened through the generosity of the Make A Wish Foundation.

so... stop getting pissy about the people and work on the issues?  I’m 90% sure that’s in the article I barely skimmed before I came down to the comments expecting to see 100 posts of exactly this garbage.

Quit GMG?!  How would I know what to be angry about?

Yeah.  Didn’t we cover transubstantiation last week?


Die fighting evil or live long enough to become evil...

How about instead of finding more and more targets for mob justice, you turn toward the justice system and make some sustainable change?

Nah.  She’s probably in the 90 or so percent of people who have given up on these sites and left...

Nobody sees it, it flops, he never gets $10m again... Or it doesn’t flop, you realize you’re not in the majority, you get over it, or you sit back smugly with your moral superiority?

“Ya put the beer in the coconut and throw the can away!” “Hey!!”

Wait.... You didn’t think Nike did this out of altruism, did you?

I think they’re probably all upset about the three people who HAVE died... I guess?

Hell, the ONLY way to play scrabble is to make shit up. No-rules scrabble.

Oh, look.  You’re helping!

So go ahead and use the banhammer with extreme prejudice, just like any other fucking time someone disagrees with you, ya fucking crybabies.  It’s a bad article, and you all needed to hear it.

And he’s REALLY counting.