
I still think Chevy takes the ugly cake

It’s pretty much a Land Rover LR2

I think the real argument against such unruly behavior is the risk of an accident. Both selfishly, in that you absolutely do not want to be in the hospital right now, and unselfishly, in that both first responders and hospital personnel have more important things to be doing.

It really should be pointed that that was some weak-ass Deus ex Machina (pun intended) near the final episode. An all-powerful swiss army knife Imagination tool? (which fixes any plot hole too complicated to bother fixing otherwise), ta-da, Riker shows up re-instated with a fleet larger than the whole of Star Fleet?

My 81 CJ5 has a great V8! While the new gladiator engines are amazing. I would much rather have a nice V8 in one. Then I might consider it.

That’s the problem, you can get a bigger, more capable truck for the same money. There were plenty of Gladiators at the local Jeep dealership for well into the $50k range. That’s 3/4 ton truck money. I love the idea of a Wrangler pickup priced to compete with midsize offerings, not so much priced against 1/2 to 3/4

Star Wars would be better movies if they had a singular story they were trying to tell (al la MCU). Instead of multiple writers and directors having carte blanche over their portion of the story.

While the production values are obviously high, the mini-story plays out like a fan film.  High heels?  Really?  The gun battle is about as exciting as watching someone make toast.  I think I can see why the networks passed.

Can’t imagine what you mean, he didn’t say a word about Rogue One.

“He’s NOT getting my vote. Period.”

but you seem to like sniffing up under his ass otherwise you wouldn’t be here. what stormfront has no more room for you?


Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

I win! Close the thread.

Dad, I really need to use the computer.

Not so cool car goes to the mall.

Calling Mike Pence’s Yuxon XL a trash truck is valid only while he’s in it.

Mike Pence sucks.

Dear Microsoft
We, the users, have learned long ago a term - If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. This is to say - we do not want updates installed automatically on machines that are working just fine. Your forced updates cause issues disrupting our lives having to watch yet another progress bar get painted on our screens