
And the shit cop who literally killed the guy got... :checks notes: ...oh

“Intergluteal Cleft” would be a FANTASTIC name for a rock band.

get rid of these scanners.

exploded with the explosive force of 600 tons of explosives.”

It’s true, the Element is classy.

The primary benefit of boarding early on a plane that has assigned seats (see: not Southwest) is the assurance that you won’t have to gate-check your carry-on suitcase, which can be very important for business travelers who might not have the time to wait for a bag at the claim after the plane lands.

that’s a hell of a tax discount.

I have contended that Arnold hit peak cool in the scene in Terminator 2 where he’s riding a Harley Fat Boy and flip-cocking a shotgun. He’s done a lot of cool stuff before and since, but nothing quite that cool.

You say this like atheists go to atheist church to decide how best to evangelize atheism.  Problem with that, as an atheist I don’t care what you believe. Just don’t force it on me or anyone else. Don’t let it hold back scientific progress and don’t be a racist bigot justified by your misinterpretation of your

Like at Trump rallies?

we need elderly retesting, but we also need retesting for everyone. Even if its only every 10 years. You should have to complete an online course before renewing your license at the very minimum. Maybe retrain on right of ways or how to merge and pass on the highway

Right over here ma’am for the undercarriage wash ...

at least a dozen otherwise fine people who seem to have never flown before

Yep. Simple and easy. The lot where I normally park has level and row number painted at regular intervals. It’s a simple matter to snap a picture before heading for the terminal.

I take a picture of my car, with parking spot number and any other identifying landmarks in frame. That way, when it’s midnight and I’m blearily stumbling off my last leg, I just pull flip through my pictures and figure out what spot I’m in.

Seriously. Can you imagine the wave of reaction to a video of a 46 year old black dude holding down a 13 year old white boy? And then threatening to hit his 16 year old white sister while she records him because she won’t shut up? Fuckin’ hell, I think several entire states may just simply self-combust.

Is anything an overreaction when a child is being beat by a 46 year old man? I know what you mean but... If a playground-raging middle aged man is on top of a kid screaming in pain, I’d go with bottle/tire iron/Maglite to the head, repeatedly, any day.

Yeah, but reporting can be fucking traumatic. Almost two years ago, I was raped, and I reported it. The responding officer took my statement, then told me to come down to the precinct to give a full statement to a female detective. I got there, and the female detective handed me off to a pair of guys, and they brought

Carroll sounds absolutely believable in both the context of her situation, the fallout, and the warnings folks gave her. I would not doubt her in the least, and I would carry that flag.