
No, he deserves to be punished. This is reckless endangerment. He gave someone HIV without informing them that it was a possibility. You can’t do that. I know that there are great meds now and viral loads can become undetectable but he still has HIV now for the rest of his life and has to take all of these drugs

This guy does stupid stuff and puts in on YouTube. I have no doubt his speaking Arabic had little to do with the reason he was kicked off. Maybe he was speaking Arabic on the phone while being asked to turn the phone off by the flight attendant and refused to do so.

Yes, apparently, they do. People are going to feel so fucking stupid when this asshole is exposed YET AGAIN. If you ever wonder how people can be so gullible and stupid, just look at these comments. Literal proof that the guy is a scammer but these idiots would rather engage in performative bullshit in the name of

I agree, they are embarrassed for the guy because hes a fucking idiot.

Even if he did it as a joke, why should speaking a different language get you kicked off a flight?

The looks on their faces were the looks of people who were watching somebody make an ass of themselves loudly in public.

Hold up. There’s no proof he WAS kicked off the plane for speaking Arabic. That’s something that only he has said and no one has backed him up on it. He could have just acted like a tool, then made up the rest as he got kicked off.

It doesn’t matter what kind of meat it is. Ground meats have all parts of them exposed to bacteria. Bacteria that can make you sick. Doesn’t always happen but it’s a high enough risk to cook you shit properly.
With a steak only the outside is accessible to bacteria, so you leave it less cooked, even cold.

You’re going to have to be really fucking fit to go from standing around “cold”, apprehensive and full of adrenaline, to go into a short full run and then stop again without doing some panting.

My guess...and it’s just a guess...is that his heart was already pounding from the nerves of a test launch. If you’ve ever tried to run—even while very fit—when nervous, you’ll find you get much more fatigued and out of breath far quicker as a result.

AC wasn’t my first MMO (That was EQ 1) and it wasn’t my last (I moved on to DAoC and then WoW) but I have many fond memories. Here are a few of them.

Professional gamer: Makes more money than us doing what he loves... stop shitting.

And yet he didn’t hit anything or kill anyone. So lets focus on the real asshole, Mr. Stang.

Religion of peace.

Hamilton won the Electoral College though.

December 19, 2016

I can’t speak for all Jewish people but if someone wanted to give you a million dollars because he thought once you had it space elves would eat your brain would you be like “Nah, son.”

Especially as the American right only supports Israel because they think it will magically bring back Jesus, who will in turn get rid of all those Jews.

He won’t figure this out until it hits Twitter