
Its like handling, driving dynamics and interior quality doesn’t mean anything. Its not all about straight line acceleration.

Pff AWD. Real men drive rwd manuals with blizzacks on.

Don’t be so sensitive ? You just called my family and friends alcoholic bums. I have spent quite a bit of time in Poland in the last 3 years. I split my time between there and New York. I feel more American than Polish since I spent most of my life here. I don’t like the current government in Poland nor the one in

Ah sorry ED is European Delivery. You get 5% off of the base price of the car. You pick it up at BMW Welt in Munich Germany. They give you 2 weeks of complimentary insurance and you can drive anywhere in the European Union. If you dont have the time you can just fly there do the delivery and fly back home. You can

Where is “here” ? Im assuming Germany since you mentioned Berlin. Ah so you are a fucking nazi piece of shit. I can very easily generalize about Germans based on the shit they have done in the not so recent past and what is going on there now but I wont because Im not a piece of shit like you.

Get the M2c with manual though ED it will be right around your price range. Its a blast of a car, I might be biased though.

No manual. Its not a crazy fast car where an auto makes sense. Its meant to be enjoyed and controlled with the whole body not just the right side. This is the reason why.

You just angered every Tesla fanboy. 0-60 is ALL that matters.

How terrible is the interior considering its a 70k car with 760hp ?

Now you are just being an asshole. Fuck you and have a terrible day.

Umm, what ? To be clear, I was born in Poland, lived there until I was 15 then I moved to the States. Germany owes Poland hundreds of billions of dollars, they are nowhere near paid for their sins. Some lands do not cover the millions of Polish citizens being killed in an inhuman way by the worst death machine of the

What I was told is that the ones that have fees on them (tool booths) are actually financed with private money. Yea some of the money for the roads comes from the EU (Germany mostly), as it should, they have nowhere near paid back for what they destroyed in ww2.


The tollbooths do suck, they should copy ezpass.

How many of those engines can you fit in a Miata is the only question worth asking.

Ah yes the roadworks, I drove from Munich north to Berlin and then East though Poznan about 3 months ago while on my ED, the endless roadworks is what I remember most. The traffic was also very heavy, with some parts of the highway having super narrow lanes. But then when you do see the 3 slashes it almost makes up

Yes and no. On average ze Germans do have pretty good driving etiquette, but they do still have the left lane hogs as well as those that dont look and pull into the left lane and then proceed to go slow in their diesel. I encountered quite a bit of it when I drove from Munich though Berlin to Warsaw 3 months ago when

Plus you get Hyper-V which is pretty feature rich.

Thank you I was going to post about this but figured someone had to do it already. A Model 3 is not an M3. M1 though M8 is already taken. M3 does not mean what you think it means Tesla fanboys.

Same here, I only reboot for system updates.