
People hate change. Always have, always will.

Mildly Useful Network Trivia!

"America is unique is that it's home to more CDMA"

Call teh amb-yo0-lampz, but only after I finish this movie.


@nystreetfilms: Really, you have a 7D to sell for $800? I'll buy it. Because that's about $600 less than what used 7D bodies go for on eBay.

Great video!

Down with Bing!

...or your* Google Voice inbox.

@PaddyDugan: 450 hours? Holy hot dicks from hell!

@38thsignal: I don't even know what that means.

"Steve Jobs bragged about how many iOS devices are upgraded each day"

@trs: This is the "new" BlackBerry app. The stale look shouldn't be of surprise... Gizmodo even had to dust off the screenshot.

Consumers don't care about any of this. The only thing even CLOSE to affecting us in the real world is quicker updates of the Android OS with a more generic 'plug-in interface'.