
You can look at porn in full color on an iPad. Hell, with the IPS display, you can even share porn with a friend!

Wax paper works awesomely. Weave it like a basket on a carpeted floor and hit it with an iron. The sheets melt together and become seamless if you did it right. Use PVC pipe for the top and bottom as well as some white duct tape available anywhere. Looks nice, works as a front-projection screen and a rear-projection

I have one major question: If what you download from Bittorrent isn't illegal, what in the world do you download? I've only ever seen illegal and/or infected archives of retail software.

I get to my office in the morning and just stare at RSS feeds or play with office supplies for the first two hours.

I approve this app.

I've been running without AV since the late '90s.

@Mmm...Burritos: I would imagine hardware. It is confusing, though:

@Yournamehere!: Hey, black men have been chasing white women for as long as I can remember... White people must have something right, right?

I've worked on computers since 1995-ish and I have yet to see static electricity (excluding lightning) ruin a computer component. Good luck trying!

Queue people posting "better" wallpaper sites in 3...2...1...

If only they knew this in House of Wax.