awesome story. if i ever fly again i'll make sure to have the extra time to opt-out. i ride muni all the time, being groped is no concern.
awesome story. if i ever fly again i'll make sure to have the extra time to opt-out. i ride muni all the time, being groped is no concern.
@staticfive: +1. now storage and memory is so cheap that its all bloated.
@ninjagin: the look reminds me of modern engine bays, you can't see all the bits anymore, but it makes for a 'cleaner' look.
1) this is sexier than my asus m489gtd pro
each apple product IS a conspiracy to sell more handsets, otherwise they'd just skip amodel or 2 and let you save your money. not like they are the only ones to do it... planned obsolescence.
like a broadway version of lion king, with mechs
damn, i thought you guys were in SF. maybe you could do an interview with kevin reed (reid?)/green cross
@heidi.hole: tegronin promotes this comment :)
ahh, i remember 2 monorails, one at disney orlando, it was the shuttle between magic kingdoma nd epcot at the time. also busch gardens in Tampa had one that went around part of the park and along the parking lot. they put shelbyville, ogdenvill and new haver brook on the map ya know
really? becasue to me it looks like some jackass in a giant testicle.
yeah, i know my old d-link G with piggy-back N extender is prob in need of updating. thanks for the reviews giz
goatee, dressing up white dudes faces for decades. i've had mine since about 98, it was issued with my cargo pants and marlboros.
@BiggieShorty: graphene carbon fibre reinforced plastic. you just need the right resin and overlay pattern to get the most out of it.
@Fossa: you had me until you spelled steel 'steal'
@NeoTechni: yes, and plasteel.
@maven2k: its both, depends on the source (what author/publisher/etc) of the 'metal'
this is causing ape evolution in my pants
dood, you took it out of the pack! nooooooooooo
@Ramistat: meritline has FANTASTIC cheap crap! i love it for my LED lighting needs... but i try not so buy anything over $2.
@MaWeiTao: awesome