
smart phones just give people more excuses to not pay attention and not be prepared. it should be a novelty, not your lifeline.

waiting for g2, contract has been up for abrout 6 months already

DO want

@Grive: onion on your belt, were you going to shelbyville?

i grew up in the 80s, when you could buy ninja stars and nunchucks from the grocvery store vending machines, right between the penny gumballs and the mini footblal helmets.

in the end if you follow the laws then you have nothing to worry about. don't complain about getting a seat-belt ticket when you didn't have it on. quotas aren't quotas, they are a way of creating metrics. if i only take 5 calls in a day at a call center then i'm not working, esp if other agents are taking 20 a day.

they just want the patent so that when someone else makes something that sounds similar but was a new idea to them, apple can claim they invented it 1st.

elephants are frightened by tiny things, prob much the same way most people are frightened of bugs and tiny things. how many times have you seen a person scream or freak out when a fly landed onthem, or a roach scurried across the floor?

@dagwud: oh shit, you said 'percy'. i wanted him to be perfect.

i wasn't born this way, i was edited.

seriously WTF? so we have 4:3 and then we were told we needed to have the widescreen versions to see the real version of the movie (indyJ and last crusade was the example, seeing connery and then ford instead of both talking to each other on the screen). then we got 16:9 TVs with 'digital cable' that still sends in

umm, most people that fry liquids do so by making a batter out of the liquid and some other item, like flour, corn flour, etc. then when you fry, the flavor of the liquid is left behind in the 'cake'.

@irfan: whats with your missing 'n's?

got the g110 already today, GF bugged me about the crappy $15 keyboard at home for the last time. it woud have felt more like a slap in her face if it was retail cost.

time to dust off those old schematics and take a trip to the shack!

my 23 inch syncmaster s a great monitor. my in-laws bought the same thing, only with built in tuner, HDMI and speakers.

@phiyuku: yeah, a monitor is an observe only device, a TV is a display device with an integrated tuner and sound.

Steel Reserve is a harsh mistress.