
That should have no bearing on the House’s duty to support and defend the Constitution.

And take it a step further and you have pre-built attack ads against Senators who fought for a clear criminal.  

To show that you’re base that you are willing to fight. This was what the last impeachment did for the Rs and lucky for us, we got 8 years of Bush. The impeachment totally played its part in Hillary’s campaign too.

I love the people brigading on how it helped Clinton while Gore lost a ridiculously close race to Dubya that was marred by the failed conviction in the senate.  

The house will absolutely vote on it and it would probably be successful.  They worry about the senate doing all they can to vote it down.

Jon Snow also wouldn’t stop trying to use everything in his power to fight the oncoming horde.  Not subpoenaing documents, individuals and refusing to impeach would not be something Jon “let me talk to Mance alone” would do.

That’s the weird thing about the DoD.  There are absolutely homophobes/racists in the service, but when a POC/LGBTQ person joins the unit, it forces a lot of them to challenge their prejudice or be the odd duck out.  

It’s a shitty passive-aggressive thing to say about someone she was never really keen on.  She could have worded it way better.

 Combined with the fact that Pelosi doesn’t believe Donald “I’ll pardon you if you commit crimes” Trump is worth impeaching, it shows her to be an out of touch congresswoman who should step down.  She should be working with her teammates and building them up to take the mantle rather than exert this weird flex

That would be a weird play considering the books mention Hux’s dad, Brendol.  It would be a lot to explain that part away with him being a clone of sorts.  

I was really expecting them to go with the Russo Brother’s philosophy of “more is more” and make every episode longer, especially since there are only 6 episodes. I feel like this episode was worked so hard because the guys had to cram all of this into a 1 hour block.

I am really surprised that it was only an hour long.

I def think the writers are making everyone sleep on Sansa so it’s more of a shock when she makes her play for the throne.

I will give that the show was very consistent with Tyrion’s weakness towards his family that has made his life a living hell.  It’s something he will never shake.

I meant to say that she was hitching a ride to assault something nearby.  

Yup! The Battle of Jakku was also shown in detail in the first Battlefront game.  There might be more than meets the eye with that planet.

The only stupid retort is you defending piracy and general shitty behavior in the gaming community.  PC gaming should be shared, but it’s a luxury item that is not required to live. It’s why I had to wait 13 years until I could afford to get back into the scene.

 I think she’s hitching a ride actually.  I think they are about to attack something...

Well, Rian gave the retcon greenlight in an interview.  It also shows the lack of maturity in his writing.

JJ actually did sketch out the trilogy, but for some reason allowed Rian rewrite VIII from scratch.  This was the key complaint behind TLJ.