How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?
How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?
Ok, found the names!
Y’know, I was reading the stories about the prank calls and kind of chuckled. After reading this response, I feel like I have no choice but to join in... I mean, it’s not like you get many of these easy-to-perform and highly effective methods of pissing off ICE officials.
There’s any number of columnists, politicians and pundits who are more than performance art pieces. Coulter’s whole schtick is to say outrageous things to get attention. She’s just s troll plans simple
I’m trying to imagine what the reaction on the right would be if universities started asking ISIS propagandists to give talks on university campuses, just “to expose students to the full spectrum of ideas.”
Go to Twitter and do a search on MAGAmilitia and Berekeley. A group of Trump supporters calling themselves the MAGAmilitia have been planning violence for weeks, even sharing posts about how to make weapons and talking about how fun it would be to kill liberals. They did this before the last altercations at Berkeley…
Coulter’s not doing it to start a dialogue but to troll the left so she and other conservatives can claim to be “victimized” by a bunch of PC SJW’s. It’s just a stunt. to feed the Right’s constant diet of resentment. Besides, does anyone really think Anne Coulter has anything of value to say anyways?
His whole persona is built on being a tough guy. She says he has a small dick and cries after failing at sex and he’s done.
Wow yall will give her any excuse. Do you think a sitting president is going to sit through a lengthy custody battle where all his dirty laundry will be aired in public? Donald will pay millions just to avoid that, never mind paying to make it happen.
Why would she want to leave? She knew what kind of person he was before she married him. She gets money in exchange for being a trophy wife. As long as he doesn’t cut off her money, he’s keeping his end of the bargain.
Hear hear! There’s this weird belief that because he’s “the Donald” a whole different and unique set of “rules” has to apply, which is nonsense. The way she’s blown off her role as First Lady is a slap in the face to everyone and I really don’t give a shit about the ridiculous “Barron’s school” excuse either. The…
I don’t think he did that with the other kids of his other failed marriages.
Are they paid? Or is that only left wing protesters? Sigh.
Warning: Don’t look too closely at what’s going on where her left sleeve and underarm meet in the above photo. (That dress is a mess)
So... instead of Nazi Brown Shirts, here in the East Bay we have Alt-Right Red Hats: Neo-Nazi’s who wear MAGA hats and paintball armor and drive in from neighboring areas. They come to Berkeley and Oakland to start violent confrontations with any protestor who is not right wing.
Und zen zey screem “Furst Amendmant!”
There’s no good option for these racists. If you allow them, not only do you damage your reputation but you do risk security concerns. Both far-left and far-right groups go to these looking for a fight. But if you ban them, they act the martyr (when do they not?) and it fuels their perverse and sick narratives.
“They can’t stop me,” she said. “I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”
Because “shrill” = “lady”
Ha! I prefer Nuremberg Barbie, but Republican Gidget is fabulous.