
Are these people still legitimately famous, or has enough time passed to kind of exercise a “right to be forgotten” when it comes to coverage of their personal lives?

Is there a point in a political career when someone is so regularly wrong that they’re never consulted again? What does Karl Rove have to contribute to the national discourse at this point? Is he just bored at home and making calls about getting booked?

That’s how it flared up again in S. Korea after they took the right steps. 

Hopefully OnlyFans doesn’t let Calloway continue to grift people.

Has any other country resolved to institute UBI for the duration?

There’s a dire forecast for the fall, too. People are going to cancel normal thanksgiving, let alone...

I thought the Irish Taoiseach was doing a good job, too.

Katy Perry’s run as a popular musician appears to be at an end. I think she’s going to start a lifestyle brand or something.

It’s the fucking apocalypse. Why can’t we just be ugly for now? 

That article pic is a hell of a caftan.

I don’t think his siblings are going to be okay with it. This is “funny uncle” type shit.

This seems like a new gripe and I don’t entirely understand it.

Strange thing is, if anyone knows the first thing about prominent white nationalist leaders it’s that they get in trouble for domestic violence so. fucking. often. that it becomes clear that they’re not trying to rescue white women from abuse as much as they want to establish a monopoly on it.

Someone’s roots are growing out.

Naw I think she was admitting all that to obscure sending her underwear to a minor.

I think it kind of drives home the point that patronizing a sit down restaurant is a preposterous idea right now.

I used to love to grocery shop, and I’ll be glad when I’ll be able to do it normally again and more than once a month to search for tp.

This has got to be about these dye jobs.

Judge Clay Jenkins is very white, ya’ll.

Are we looking at the death of the buffet style restaurant as a genre? As a middle class American that’s rough to hear.