
Like can you imagine if Steve Jobs was all “Iphones will be able to detect if you have cancer next year, you just have to buy the requisite hardware for $1500,” and he kept saying that for a goddamn decade and it never came to pass? And then after it became apparent it was never going to happen until robust AI was

Oh believe me, it’s cathartic. 

I guess if the only cars you’ve really owned are a Nissan Versa and Model 3, then yes, it would be in your bottom 3 seeing as you haven’t driven anything else, Mach E and Taycan included.

I know maybe the Tesla you drove in your dreams has Nissan Versa levels of NVH but that not reality.

Now with all the discounts applied you can get into a cool T car in the high 30's that needs no gas, needs little maintenance, updates itself, and is not slow.

If the answer to the question “How do I keep myself financially safe from an auto manufacturer?” is “Buy gap insurance,” I’m thinking I’m probably giving that auto manufacturer the ol’ double deuce and shopping elsewhere.

Try any other car maker and you probably won’t see a growth curve like this.

It is not clear whether FSD was in use or not

I, too, assume everyone is lying until I see incontrovertible mathematical evidence that proves they aren’t.

Good news for you. Tesla actually releases their accidents per mile with Autopilot engaged. They compare those numbers to total accidents in all situations with all cars for all driver demographics because humans are dumb, but some more intelligent humans have controlled the data for confounding variables and

It won’t crash it will stop.

Sooo, you’re saying most accidents happen at intersections?

Also known as “running a business.”

Holy text wall.

Oh jesus christ. You think we all don’t know that? Why does every goddamn person on the planet who can’t comprehend satire think it’s their singular calling in life to put up “wElL AkShUlLy” posts on the internet.

If I did ‘that’ manually for whatever reason it would be the fault of whoever rear-ended me according to normal ‘for humans’ traffic rules...

“Let that sink in”

They already paid ten fucking thousand dollars (or whatever it costs now) for the promise of “appreciating robotaxis next year” every year for like the last decade. What makes you think they wouldn’t go ahead and pay the 8 bucks for the opportunity to display their undying zeal for their attention-jealous deity, St.

...but if those same human beings can’t account for what other human beings might do, what are we even doing here?