
“Republican” and “Democrat” labels do indeed shift over time, but at any given time they concisely represent a particular set of beliefs that are highly correlated with one another at that particular moment, whether those beliefs happen to be arbitrary or not.

There’s too much competitive incentive not to. They’d be perfectly happy to build to CARB everywhere if it was the Federal standard, but aren’t going to take it on themselves to hold to the standard when other companies will undercut them.

None of what you worry about is that serious. America is not crumbling. We’ll be just fine. A whole lot of folks will get much wealthier in the process, but it’s OK. America has been doing this for centuries, and the vast majority of us realize that there better choices in life than joining a “gang” like a freakin’

lus is gonna let you finish, but he’s got some crazy ass shit he needs to get out first.

Or in the case of Urban Meyer, once the car has murdered a gaggle of pedestrians, run a few cyclists into a ravine, blown its left rear tire, and driven itself head-on into a parked cop car where it promptly spontaneously combusts.


“I kNoW i’M rIgHt!”


Silver lining here.

1. Pointing out that the [apolitical] CDC changed guidance without interference from the “current admin” is literally making my point for me.

The current admin has not exactly helped right the ship in it’s messaging and use of the CDC either. The Trump admin was egregious, but the current admin really hasn’t been covering itself in glory in regards to the CDC.

This data point anecdote doesn’t make sense from what the [physicians, scientists, and health policy experts at the] CDC has have been telling us.

Maybe not a bad idea for a taxi company, but it doesn’t really come as a benefit for most people who are in the market for a new EV.

It’s a problem if TikTok Karen is trying to upload while driving and T bones your [insert luxury sedan].


Which had been happening 200 years before Harrison and his H4 which proves you don’t even NEED much more than a sundial and a compass for that particular feat.

Could have probably been avoided if the BMW had signaled.

Your chronometer isn’t much use in a horserace but a stopwatch sure is.

1. “Slippery slope” is called a logical fallacy for a reason.

The ones who want to make this last forever are the ones who seemingly have no answer for the perfectly valid question: “Under what circumstances will mask mandates end?” Or: “How long does responsible society need to continue to sacrifice for unresponsible society?”