
It’s like his thing. Not sure if he’s honestly this deluded or if he’s just trolling.


And if Kia comes with a performance model like a Stinger, I’ll be all over it (I was a Stinger GT owner).

As far as I’m concerned, the Cyber Orange one is a concept as well. Can’t get those sick seats in a real one.

We need more great BEV options available for consumers.

I want to see what GM brings to the table with the Lyriq. It should also hit that $60k mark (on the low end) and could be quick with a dual-motor setup.

I don’t understand why the Ford performance models get less range while Tesla performance models get more range. If you stack in more batteries, with some clever software and hardware you should be able to get both. Ford is still learning on this one.

I was arguing for a lot less of a redundant job than you too.

But EVs were also less than 5% of cars sold in the U.S. They can lose marketshare and still grow the business quite a bit.

I wonder if they’d be shocked to learn that normal car companies sometimes turn a profit through their financing arms/partnerships instead of simply selling cars. And wait until they discover licensing IP.

2 guys. 1 U-haul.

If you leave it up to the dealer to pick stuff it will take longer and cost you more.

I haven’t heard any normies talking about the accident or the tunnel.

I once knew a smart individual who would reply, when someone made a reference to “human intelligence,” that we were not, in fact, intelligent. “We’re simply the species that happens to have evolved the largest brain on this god-forsaken rock,” he would say.

Out of all the things I’ve watched dudes blow money on, watches always made the least sense to me.

*Googles “how much market share is required for a monopoly”*

Oh fuck off, Erik.

I’m no math major, but maybe you can explain to me which articles generate more clicks and user engagement.

When has that ever happened?

BTW fucking retired dentists are now riding large ADV bikes with all the gear.