
I totally agree — I ABSOLUTELY do not want to force other people to comply with my sensibilities. And, to that end, graphic sex or nudity won't stop me from watching and enjoying a movie. It's just that when it really serves no purpose outside of itself, I'd prefer it not be included.

Excellent post. I completely agree with what you are saying. It really is just the pointless nonsense that I have no tolerance for.

Depends. I can understand campy Tarantino-esque graphic violence, and I can understand the graphic violence that is used to show how Savage or Horrible a person or situation can be. As for nudity and sex... well, how about a movie like Meet Joe Black? Why do you need more than that to show that people are

So, a man made a movie about being a lonely and possibly pathetic man, and you're mad he didn't make a movie about being a not-lonely and possibly not-pathetic woman, or something? What is your faux-outrage here? It's getting hard to keep track of the ridiculous nonsense that causes you to express some anguish,

I don't know if this makes me a prude or not, and I've never considered myself one, but I have no idea why anyone would want to include graphic sex or even mild nudity in a movie or show. Why do it? The point can be driven home without some ridiculous moaning and screaming orgasm.

"In my opinion, yes. We can have a long and civil discussion about this, but I won't change my mind"

I own that book. It's alright.

Is this money that he himself donated, or something?

Hey man, don't stand in the way of some faux outrage!

Exactly. Instead of constantly trying to knock down institutionalized racism found in the legal system, they'll focus on the words some random nobody writes on the internet because that is really easy, and challenging the political status quo is really freaking difficult and might force some writers to own up to

Socially awkward man on a dating site says something awkward! OH THE HUMANITY

It does kind of seem that way.

Really? "Real Talk" .... really?

Imagine how Erin would have reacted if Scott Walker died and some conservative moron said "I wish it had been Paul!"

RIP, Scott.

Just so we're clear, is every group except for black women privileged now, or something?

There could be jewish people reading this whose parents or grandparents were in the holocaust. The attempt to exterminate jewish people is more recent than basically anything any other group has had to endure.

What just happened?

The Jews had the privilege of being systematically rounded up and slaughtered several times in their history. No other group of people can point to as large of a scale, recent, atrocity like they can.

"Pointing out Jewish privilege is anti-semitic? That's all he did."