
yeah, but I hate the interface on MSConfig and prefer the uninstalled that comes with easycleaner, so it's a bit of a no-brainer to use it.

Yeah, I use easycleaner out of habit more than anything.

I think trimming your startup programs semi-frequently is one of the best things you can do to keep your machine running well. Every time iTunes updates it pops back into the startup folder; same thing goes for the Google Update tool. I use easycleaner to manage this and I am pretty much always happy with the results.

"LulzSec has now officially become a terrorist organization."

Yes. Coincidence.

two Hobbes icons in a row? You and @aufburnshiz? Awesome


About 10 years ago my friend's dad moved to New York for 5 years in order to oversee a project dealing with this very problem. Big job.

Perhaps. I think that it's practically impossible though. The civil liberties shit fest that would bring up would be intense.

I'd argue that attitude has led to these hacks being possible. Anyway, it's being simplistic to boil it down that way anyway. I mean the internet is both anonymous and not; there's little stopping someone with (and without) a warrant from finding out where anyone commenting here lives. Then again, if you care enough

Those will go hand in hand with the strict laws against hacking, right?

I'm glad this is happening. This provides the best opportunity so far for getting corporations and government agencies to be serious about security. My worthless work email account has password requirements; shouldn't law enforcement have them too?

Those passwords are laughable.

Anyone else read this as "tears" as in Tears-for-Fears and *sniffle sniff* and "Don't worry hun, Dan is a jackass, you're better off without him"?

Yeah, I think the media actually all did a pretty good job explaining what lulzsec "means". Oh well, gotta grab those headlines somehow.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect anything more than an overblown opinion piece from Gizmodo's "reviews" nowadays. That statement is trolly, but it's also true. Here's a real review:

What a bitch move.

You just have to pop that top off, which has the potential to be a hassle.

Methinks you'll want a bluetooth keyboard

Also a good point: you can refill those contact solution bottles. It's another option.