
Not all areas have anything more than DSL. Some have cable and DSL, but that is like 1.5Mb DSL. My question is this: how could having regulation stating that all content on the internet must be accessible equally be a bad thing?

I smell a zealot, and it's you.

It's not socialist, it's regulatory. Socialist would be taking over the telecom companies and forcing them to be state run and take no profit.

Well you're forgetting a major issue: the government gave the cable companies the license to lay their copper either with exclusive access or very limited competition. This leads to the paucity of competition in the broadband space. Since, for many people, switching providers is not a viable solution there does

goddammit rule 34. Superman/Batman slash fic AND pregnancy fetish?

From Apple PR: "On-device location tracking occurs when the device is held incorrectly. It's a fact of life and occurs for all other cellphones, especially Samsung phones."

Sush, papa Jobs is just taking over Santa's role. He know's when you've been sleeping, he know's when you're awake, he know's if your travelling to the underground whorehouse in Brooklyn, so turn off your phone for goodness sake.

Totally. So far so good, dontcha think?

Like the Mryish swamp scene from AFFC?

Re: Theon and the guard, it's my understanding they reduced the number of speaking roles for Winterfell support characters to simplify things.

I'm really looking forward to a getting a wing and phat exhaust pipe on there too.


And a bitchin dock for his iPod nano. And a sweet kegerator. I mean, 'cmon! He's the president.

If they extend this into mobile, where autocorrect email addresses reign, we'll really have something on our hands here.

A friend of mine started a campaign to get Gunther to play at UCSB and managed to pull it off. Nothing like a little Gunther to get your day going.

Eh, I dunno. They stealth correct all the time.