
I’m moving to a new apartment on the first of March. I had a dream that my Switch was delivered there early before we moved. It was a nightmare. I was relieved upon waking up.


Reenacting Need for Speed? Like every other wreckless driver ever?

Apparently DQ Heroes on Switch is a bit of a downgrade visually, which is disappointing. May pick it up anyway, never finished the first on PS4...

Don’t blame “SJWs” when it’s Disney and YouTube that made the decisions. It’s on them, not some imaginary liberals.

I want DLC that lets me play as Mario.

It’s times like these that I wish the Sega Saturn wasn’t so damn complex to reverse-engineer.

Also, I street passed with the creator of Lemongrab/co-creator of Rick & Morty once! Can’t remember where. New York Comic Con maybe. That lead to him checking out my online illustration portfolio and complementing my work on Twitter. Felt good.

A few times a week on the bus ride home from work I’d get a street pass hit from the same guy. After maybe a few months a guy asked “are you Tedikuma?” and I was like “yeah!”. We sorta became friends and chatted about games whenever we ran into each other. He has really similar tastes to me. Also turned out our

For less than that amount of money you could buy a new 3DS and every Fire Emblem game released for it. But people have different priorities, I guess.

Ironically, the only console I ever really used the browser on was the Wii U. It was surprisingly good. The stylus made it really easy to use. Entering text was a breeze. Also the video-playing functionality with stuff like YouTube or Vimeo was great.

On my PS4 I may have opened the browser once or twice by accident.

I’m not sure if there’s anything more awkward than Western actors trapped in weird Japanese ads.

I read somewhere that Yakuza 4 had more verticality in its environments, but I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. Still working my way through 3 and 5...

Speaking of Shenmue, sometimes I do wish Yakuza allowed a similar amount of exploration inside buildings like it did. It’s a little frustrating seeing so many interesting buildings and not being able to enter them. I understand creating so many interiors is a huge task, though.

There was on random bathroom I stepped


Love Thundercat.

One of my pet peeves is watching completely inaccurate animated drummers. Like, they’re playing on the toms but all you hear is a snare. It’s the worst.

I miss “arcade-perfect” ports.

I’m going to miss busting out my stylus and drawing dumb pictures. I wonder how much longer it will stick around on the 3DS.