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    Soloway answered a panel question honestly, she didn't launch a hate campaign. Clearly it was something that bothered them at the time and they said as much to a small audience. It's not like Soloway wrote a 4,000 word Medium piece and started an anti-Pat Facebook group.

    I'm not part of this conversation, but I've never bumped into anyone with the exact same opinions about the quality of the Netflix Marvel series as me, so…that's cool.

    Constantine’s what??

    If your erection monologues for more than four hours, consult a theatrical booking agent.

    "I Must Flow: The Spice Speaks Out" (2017)
    By Sean Spicer
    Random House, Hardcover, $12.99+tax

    All of the people mocking you aside, yes, the movie is superb.

    Not of note, but I have had many, many people come up to me on the street and go "…Justin?"

    I have a 720p projector and everyone asks if it's 4k.

    I think Doofus Rick's Jerry is an evil genius.

    We just don't know. And doesn't that completely justify Rick's depression?

    He only knows what Rick tells him.

    It's super possible. If you take the show at face value, we have no idea which Mortys, Beths, Summers, or Jerrys we're looking at. Our "normal" Rick is C-137, and we presume Morty is C-137 too (although there's the whole baby picture issue), but we know for a fact Rick's swapped dimensions to stay with his family at

    No, I didn't see it, and Google's not helping. Although I'd like to read it.

    Thanks. I think, if anything, yours is the more valid interpretation. The fact that they loom much larger in the closeups than the wide shot is well observed, and the production background suggests that the closeups were very important to Fincher's vision of the scene. (Like, the wide shots aren't really big vfx

    Well then it was a complete fucking non sequitur. I didn't say anything about the dude, politics, Bernie, whatever. All I said is that the Portland killings got a lot of press attention. The thing you said makes no fucking sense.

    Couple things. One, they had to shoot the closeups in a man-made lake that didn't look like Henley—the shallow DOF combined with the digital tilt shift made it easier to matte the Henley backgrounds in. But conceptually, I think the tilt-shift is supposed to visually isolate and create a claustrophobic, alienating

    You responded to the wrong comment. In fairly revolting fashion, too.

    It was national news. It got more press than this has for sure.

    Wade Boggs Carpet World, Wade Boggs Carpet World

    I think custom camera might be overstating it, maybe? Red stripped some dead weight off the One and made a custom carbon fiber body, but it was the same MX sensor and all. What's way cooler is the custom all-in-one camera they made for Fincher last year.