
We live in strange times.

I didn’t realize that the anxiety against Poles/Romanians is so high. I didn’t even think that the UK even thought of Eastern Europe very much. I have been living under a rock. Can you shed some more light on this for me? I tried to google but I’m running into a lot of hate news vs news.

You seem to know a lot about this. I’m having trouble understanding why Scotland, if it leaves the UK, isn’t automatically a part of the EU? Since they’re technically a part of it now?

You should write movie reviews for a living because this description is a delight.

Jesus, I am so sorry to hear that this was done to you. I hope you have all the support you need.

Excuse me, don’t bring Skittles into a convo ever they are nothing but gay terrorist refugees disguised as tiny little tart candies.

lol nice try

Righteous. Fisting.

Majority were raised in piss poor US school systems. They’ve been ignorant since childhood and will continue to be so well into adulthood. Best bet is to improve education standards to try to educate their kids (who are probably too old and set in their ways, as well) or better yet, their grandkids who can hopefully

I volunteer. To be duped into eating sweets. Thank you.



I am cringing so hard. What? How? Why?

Ugh, that sounds really horrible. I’m really sorry you have to experience this.

The housewives are coming for you with their words of wisdom. Embrace them. ONE OF US. ONE OF US.


Maybe all the men she knows who do this are predatory and somehow all the feminists on Jez manage to find the perfect older men to date.


It’s not scandalous, it’s a totally valid opinion. Lots of young feminists and non feminists alike on this board get their panties in a wad if you DARE to share an opinion about the age discrepancies in dating.

Fuck. Yes.