
Ya I am below the red line as I am typing this and its 0 degrees outside with snow everywhere and a frozen river...

Holy shit


Exactly! I feel that the music is what made that whole part so crazy awesome.

The Max Payne 3 soundtrack was pretty good. All game music was done by Health.

You must be new here... Oh, and by the way, stuff like this is why my mother loves Jalopnik. So there.

It's like a big cat.

What a raging thundercunt.

Make sure you are doing this on the original picture in the article, not the one in the comments. That will get you the larger image.

I.... uh.... it hurts.

Well, my crossfire AMD 6950's are just going to have to try as hard as they can. We shall see...

Its good if you are tall from the waste up, but if you have long legs like me, it will KILL your back and tailbone because your legs don't actually rest on the seat. I will have to get rid of my 2007 soon because of this issue. BUT I do have quite a bit of headroom!

You can see in the video that it has the button layout for PS4. This looks true next gen and seems far off from the trailer that they released. I think people just need to calm down and wait another couple months for it to come out...

Why not just sell them instead of scrapping them?

Ya, uh...

I get about 7MB/s with Comcast when downloading and pay about $50 a month. Our caps are "not currently in affect" but I am sure there is still a limit somewhere. I have hit 300GB the past couple months without them calling and we usually have a 250GB cap. I live in WV btw.

Any city in WV.

Mucho aliasing on the Xbox One. Yikes.

I'm sure this will draw some flame, but I watch racing for fact that I don't know who will win and the close racing. Granted the middle of the pack was pretty exciting at COTA but I don't like to watch racing for the middle of the pack stuff as much as watching the events up front. I know I know, racing is racing