Yes its an HTC thing. Moreover, its a "Hi we are Apple and while we dont let people choose which app to use to do things YOU FUCKING CANT EITHER BITCHES" thing.
Yes its an HTC thing. Moreover, its a "Hi we are Apple and while we dont let people choose which app to use to do things YOU FUCKING CANT EITHER BITCHES" thing.
Yup! I have CM10 on my Transformer Prime and I love the freedom. Its sad that this is where we are with technology these days.
I think it does. There is one issue that plagues a lot of games including Doom. From a distance things look pretty good. But if you get up close with people or other things then you really see some pretty ugly textures.
Ya I know about all that. All you have choice over is Phone Numbers, Emails, Physical Addresses, URLs, Map address, Streaming Links, Online audio and Online Video. Thats it. You cannot change anything else.
This is all great and wonderful, but just like many other apps that work better than the ones on my HTC phone, I have to option to open them by default when interacting with things. This is just like YouTube. I have NO option to open YouTube links in the YouTube app. They all direct me to the web app. So while I…
Well then.... I guess I am a walking/talking ad for western ads...
I'm curious as to what is happening on the rear hatch of that Mercedes in #5...
The CX-7 was cancelled and replaced by the CX-5. The CX-9 is still alive and kickin.
If it doesn't have a turbo under the hood then its NOT an XT. Come on Subaru, don't pull this crap!
I feel kind of the same way. I played the first two here and there just a tad and they just didn't really feel all that inspiring to me. This one however seems to be finally getting it right in my eyes and seems like it could be a truly fun jungle shooter.
Thats the problem tho... It doesn't need to be in Speed guise. It just needs to be an option on the rest of the cars. I think that would be a killer feature for Mazda to utilize in order to sell the car.
Not sure if serious.... #COTD anyway for samselp
I hate when people make stupid generalizations about Americans. Not all of America is modern nor do we expect every other place on earth to be so! Not by a longshot! I live in West Virginia. This state, second to maybe Mississippi, is the oposite of modern.
Wait, how does having to pay $320 in ETFs and then having to pay $400 for 2 iPhone 5's at Verizon equal less than $500 to upgrade with AT&T? Or am I being a big dumb stupid head....
Ya, this one is a lot less scary....
Stupid question incoming... What about a second controller? I know that the GamePad is a one only deal that you can't even buy a second one of. So, I am assuming that there is some other controller that can be used at the same time for multiplayer stuffs? Weird that they don't mention that anywhere.
Yup, thats it. That place holds some of my best memories from college. We would go up there and visit a friends family and watch the rally. Friggen cold but so awesome!
Wow! It works thanks!
Not sure if this is suppose to make me feel sorry for him that he doesn't like his Ferrari dealership or happy for him that he likes the McLaren dealership. I think he should just be happy that he has that kind of choice. My choices are zilch and I find myself pissed that I can't afford the car I really want that's…