No, if you read my other comments you’ll see that I agree with you, so calm down Sally.
No, if you read my other comments you’ll see that I agree with you, so calm down Sally.
Phelps is too good at swimming! Wah!
No way dude, Rio is super safe at night and the cops are all straight as arrows.
Lying to your mom and NBC != filing a false police report. Although once the Brazilian government and FBI and State get involved that's probably your cue to come clean.
This being Brazil, I’d be more surprised if the judge and relevant customs/border/national police DIDN’T take bribes. I mean shit that makes Edwin Edwards look like a baby faced Mormon kid knocking on your door.
Whoa whoa whoa. A TEAM gold medal???! Well shave my back and slap my sister, I guess he's not a good swimmer after all.
Yeah I mean seriously. For anyone who knows thing 1 about swimming, Lochte is a god. Phelps skews our perspective about everyone. Sucks that Lochte wasn’t born a decade earlier. If he had peaked between Biondi and Phelps, he would’ve had the spotlight to himself for a solid decade, and Phelps would’ve been talked…
With the staggering amount of street crime in Rio, that makes 1970s New York look like fucking Sesame Street, I’d be astounded if they found them. And if they were blasted and paid cash, not really weird that they can’t find the cabbie.
I’m not surprised that the stories aren’t straigh-read up on memory and traumatic situations. Discrepancy in details like how many gunman is the type of thing that would get warped, despite popular and wrong thinking that stress improves memory.
At worst Lochte bullshitted it, then Lochte’s mom had to go and blab and draw even more attention to it, and the Brazilian government got hurt fee-fees because of all the doubts that a corrupt shithole city-where the cops are incapable of dealing with even basic street crime and in fact are often the criminals could…
And him peacing out of Brazil before the rest of the dudes is pretty compelling evidence that he’s not quite as dumb as he looks. I’ve known some limit pushing party hardy types like him and they always have a sixth sense for knowing when to bail.
And in fact the discrepancy in how many armed people there were in their stories is not suspicious AT ALL if you have even the slightest understand of how traumatic/stressful events affect human memory.