Lenny Kravitz?
Lenny Kravitz?
This is getting scary, but pretty cool at the same time.
@SatansBestBuddy: Correction, it was the only good song they ever covered. The songs they made sucked.
Yeah, it's a video game based off a comic. I loved the Watchmen, but those of you saying that this is a travesty need to shut up. There have been comic book-based games since forever.
Wow, real funny.
@Ted the Technology Expert: shoot*
My [b]original[/b] Wiimote strap can't even be cut with a band saw. People like this just clog up the american justice system.
Crazy, yes. Truth, yes. My life went on hold when I still played WoW. I honestly wouldn't suggest ever doing it.
I forsee this getting the same sales as the "Wall-E" game.
Wow, they were only 20 years off.
Amazing yet again, Benjamin.
@silasthemariner: I didn't have anything too noticeable, like these major ones listed. I just have trouble clicking on signs when standing directly in front of them.
While all others have focused on the fact that Gears is a TPS, I'm going to scream "DEAD SPACE". I've never been more engaged than when playing Dead Space.
Wow, I just had a sudden urge to go play Mass Effect again...
Well. If my knowledge of the FCC serves me correctly, this will be completely useless.
Isn't that ironic.
@Boba.Fett: Though, I guess I'll be the only one to say that I don't mind this taking place during the French Revolution.
So all that shit at the end of the first one no longer applies?