
You regret offering unlimited data but you don't regret betting $4 BILLION on a failed merger?

Amazon doesn't 'avoid' sales tax. They don't collect it. In most (all?) states the consumer is supposed to pay sales tax, whether it's at the time of purchase or later on all items. Amazon simply hasn't been collecting it and is starting too in several states because it's downright impossible to enforce collection

Yes, Microsoft Licensing is located here in Reno, Nevada and a quick search online will show that they have 'avoided' plenty of tax by doing so. Washington state isn't happy about it but IMHO it's just smart business.

I'm pretty confident that it is and that the SGSIII may be one of the thinnest phones yet.

I'm taping almonds to my 4S and New iPad right now. Damnit if I only knew it was always this simple.

If you enjoy vodka straight - you shouldn't be doing this. Your $35 will buy you a decent bottle of Vodka (head over to Costco, Total Wine or BevMo for bang-for-the-buck)

Sorry if I'm being anal here but you're not really running two antivirus programs. If you are running MSE and Malwarebytes you have an Anti-virus program installed and an anti-malware program installed. Yes, there will be some overlap of what they detect but they aren't doing the same thing.

For individuals and organizations that use Google Apps I do think that this has potential. It would be nice to be able to automatically save attachments and Google docs in a location where I can easily access them with any client. Pricing will be the most interesting to me.

"When at least 50-70% of your initial sales are repeat customers who (some) will buy any incremental upgrade, it's not hard to keep your crown."

The screen is nice but I really think Apple needs to revamp iOS and some of their software. iOS 1 looks identical to 5.0. Sure they tack stuff on as people bitch about it but it's getting a little stale.

"I want newer and better features each time I buy a product. I want a larger screen, faster processor, more radios, more features. Not some minor improvement."

I can't wait for the "clarification" from AT&T.

I agree with this to a point. I had a Kindle and then got an iPad when it came out, and then an iPad2. My wife and kids have kindles and are veracious readers. I was a veracious reader until I got the iPad and then found myself using Flipbook, Google Currents, and downloading magazines. I'd also find myself

Connect laptops to TV? Wat.

Microsoft already does something similar to this with your apps being digitally signed and programs like Internet Explorer make a point to recommend against running a program that hasn't been digitally signed.

Did you just copy and paste your argument from 2005?

ABC is owned by Disney. Steve Jobs was the largest individual shareholders of Disney stock after the Pixar purchase. I would say this is going to be a tad bias towards Apple.

Ugh. I'm not looking forward to the second Apple makes it's first blunder without Steve Jobs.

In late 2010 I decided to start dabbling in SSDs for my different computers after purchasing my wife an MacBook Air with a SSD. The speed of the Air was insane so I immediately put one (OCZ Vertex II) in my '09 MacBook Pro and it felt like new again. It was at this point I knew I couldn't go back to SSDs (for the

I've purchased 4 or 5 different brands of SSDs in the past year or so and all came with a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter 'plate'.